Migaloo and Bahloo the white whales

Migaloo and Bahloo are famous for the distinct white colouring that has launched them into whale-sized fame. 

While Migaloo, the older of the two, was once thought to be an albino whale, it is now suspected that he is a "hypo-pigmented" humpback meaning that while his colouring is completely white, he is not albino, but rather has a genetic condition that causes loss of skin colour.

Bahloo, the younger of the two, has black spots on his tale, meaning he is definitely not albino, and is much smaller than his counterpart and likely has a condition called leucism, where skin pigment is affected.

They are two of several of the world's white humpbacks, and definitely two of the more famous ones that frequent the Whitsundays. In 2011, a white humpback whale calf was spotted off the Great Barrier Reef, which was named Migaloo Jr. after people suspected it could be Migaloo's offspring (this has never been confirmed). 

Miglaoo was spotted around 25 years ago for the first time off the East Coast of Australia near Byron Bay. He was named Migaloo by an Aboriginal community around Hervey Bay and means "White Fella." Migaloo is such a unique whale that it has its own legislation enacted each year to protect him from harassment. Boats are not allowed to be less than 500m near him and must not approach him if spotted.

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