Sharks and Rays of the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is host to one of the most diverse groups of marine life in the world and is home to over 130 species of rays and sharks. Commonly feared and unjustly pursued, sharks are a lot less of a threat than what most people think. Often cautious of people, they have been given a bad reputation, and while there are dangerous species of sharks, most are non-aggressive, shy, and quick to flee.

While there have been incidents in the Whitsundays, the majority believe these could have been avoided, so it's important to arm yourself with knowledge about these creatures before entering the water. For more information on how to be SharkSmart, click here. Rays have also been widely misunderstood and grew to fame when "crocodile hunter" Steve Irwin suffered a fatal encounter with one. In fact, studies show that only about 30 people have suffered fatalities worldwide from stingrays.

Sharks and rays have long held the mystery and wonder of many people, and even the traditional landowners have strong connections to these species as shown in their traditional stories, paintings and art. There are Dreamtime stories that involve sharks and rays carving out the valleys and mountains of the world or the constellations in the skies. They have always been a huge part of Australian culture and continue to be today.

Shark, whitsundays, Grey Nurse

Sharks and rays are differentiated from other species of marine animal by their light skeletons made of cartilage and have remained largely unchanged in the last 400 million years. Most of them give birth to live young after their eggs hatch inside of their bodies, with only a few species laying eggs with their young inside of them. Interestingly, some shark species experience intrauterine cannibalism - which basically means the first internally hatched young eats the rest of the developing eggs living inside the mother before being born. Struggling to survive before they are even born, they never stop that fight for survival.

Sharks in Hervey Bay 

There are several species of shark that you may encounter in Hervey Bay, most being non-aggressive and great to see while snorkelling. Most species of sharks that frequent the reefs are not a danger to divers, and are often more afraid of you than you are of them. Recent incidents in 2018 and 2019 had several factors involved, such as people swimming at dusk, and swimming in well-known fishing areas with murky bottoms while on a private bareboat. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), Queensland Government and Queensland tourism bodies have all been working tirelessly on shark management programmes to place in the region, working with expert marine biologists who specialise in shark behaviour to continue to improve the safety for visitors as well as these incredible creatures.

That being said, education is key to staying safe on and in the water in the Great Barrier Reef, especially if you're going out on your own. If you're booking with a chartered tour, your onboard crew are trained in emergency situations, and you should always look for the WCBIA logo to ensure they are up to industry standards. For more information on sharks in the Whitsundays and in Hervey Bay, click here. Here are some species of sharks found in the Great Barrier Reef and Hervey Bay:

Whitetip Reef Shark

The whitetip reef shark has a slim build and defining white tips on several of its fins. They are agile swimmers and only grow up to 2m, which allows them to swim inside caves and ledges on the reef for protection. Although they are nocturnal and hunt at night, lucky snorkelers may spot them during the day. Their diet consists of small bony fish, octopus, crab and lobster and they can live up to 25 years. You should still remain calm and cautious with this species, however more than likely you will find they will swim away once they sense your presence in the water. 


Blacktip Reef Shark

Distinguished by black markings on the tips of its fins, the blacktip reef shark is an unforgettable sight to see. They are one of the only species of shark that will actually breach the water when hunting, aiming for small fish like sardines, herrings, gropers, rays and even smaller sharks. Females can reproduce asexually when there are no males around, creating their own genetic copies! Their behaviour is similar to the whitetip reef shark, however, you should still exercise caution with any animal you encounter in the wild in the ocean. 


'Wobbegong' comes from the Indigenous word for shaggy beard, named for their shaggy appearance. They are bottom dwellers that blend in very easily with their surroundings and can be very hard to spot. Bites from wobbegongs can be nasty and are almost always inflicted when an unsuspecting diver or snorkeller steps on them, so take extra care when stepping on the 'sands' of the reef, as their camouflage makes them difficult to spot! 

Wobbegong, whitsundays,

Tiger Shark

Named for the striped pattern found on juveniles, tiger sharks can grow large as adults and are second to the Great White for human incidents. They have been known to eat anything and everything, with contents such as books, tires, jewellery, and clothing being found in their stomachs. Fortunately for snorkelers and divers, these guys usually like to stay in the deeper waters. If you find yourself in the water with a tiger shark, don't start swimming erratically, and try to keep your heart rate to a minimum while you safely exit the water. 

Lemon Shark

Another local you'll see is the lemon shark. Lemon sharks are easily identified by their light yellow and brown colouring and can grow up to 3.4 metres in length. While not commonly known to be dangerous to humans, as with any predatorial animal you should be cautious and give them plenty of room, even the baby ones!


There are 35 species of rays in the Great Barrier Reef. They are broad, flatfishes that are closely related to sharks, with thick fleshy skin and skeletons made of cartilage. Many have dangerous barbs which they will use in self-defence and can cause major damage when removed, or leave toxins behind. Fatal stings are rare since the stingray's venom isn't usually deadly unless delivered to the chest or abdominal area. Fortunately, they are not an aggressive species and will stick to the ocean floor or retreat if disturbed. They are easily spotted; just keep an eye out for their tails as they usually have their whole bodies buried except for their eyes. The best practice is to shuffle your feet in the sand when walking through the shallows, and only observe them from the shoreline.

Sand, ray, whitsundays, whitehaven

Manta Ray

The manta ray is one of the most unique encounters you can have while visiting the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Large, elegant and curious, manta rays often come into contact with humans as they come very close to snorkelers and divers as well as moored boats. They can grow as large as 7.6m across, and luckily, are of no threat to humans as at all as they only feed on plankton and have no barbs. These gentle giants often sit around the surface and are amazing to encounter.  

Blue Spotted Stingray

Easily defined by bright blue and green spots on its dark greenback, the blue-spotted stingray can grow up to 47cm and feeds on foods like shrimp, crabs and worms. At the end of their tail, they have two toxic barbs that they use when they feel threatened or when hunting. This usually only happens to people when they step on the stingrays and then get stung in the feet or ankles.

Blue spotted Ray, Whitsundays

To learn more about sharks in the Whitsundays and how to safely enjoy these animals in the wild, click here.

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